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Linux stand-alone online experience DCE Community

This page explains how to install a stand-alone DCE Community online on a Linux machine via Docker and kind.


This is a minimal installation method, which is easy to learn and experience, and its performance is better than macOS stand-alone version. The original author is panpan0000.


  • Prepare a Linux machine, recommended resources: CPU > 8 cores, memory > 12 GB, disk space > 100 GB
  • Make sure this machine can connect to the public network
  • OS: CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 22.04

Check system resources and networking:

set -e
if [ $(free -g|grep Mem | awk '{print $2}') -lt 12 ]; then (echo "insufficient memory! (should >=12G)"; exit 1); fi
if [ $(grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo |sort |uniq |wc -l) -lt 8 ]; then (echo "insufficient CPU! (should >=8C)"; exit 1); fi
if [ $(df -m / |tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}') -lt 30720 ]; then (echo "insufficient free disk space of root partition!(should >=30G)"; exit 1) ;
ping -c 1 &> /dev/null || ( echo "no connection to internet! abort." && exit 1; )
echo "precheck pass.."

The expected output is as follows:

precheck pass..

Install Docker

If you already have Docker on the host, and the version is higher than 1.18, you can skip this step.

run the following commands one by one, it will take about 5 minutes:

set -e
if [ -x "$(command -v docker )" ] ;then
  echo "docker already installed : version = "$(docker -v);
  exit 0
the fi
sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
sudo sed -i '' /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo
sudo yum makecache fast
sudo yum -y install docker-ce
sudo service docker start
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo yum install -y wget

run the following commands one by one, it will take about 5 minutes:

set -e
if [ -x "$(command -v docker )" ] ;then
  echo "docker already installed : version = "$(docker -v);
  exit 0
the fi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository --yes "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce
sudo apt-get -y install wget
sudo service docker start
sudo systemctl enable docker


  • If you already have Podman on your machine but not Docker, you still need to install Docker.
  • This is because of a known problem: Although Podman can start kind, there will be a problem of insufficient file handles, and the problem of IP mismatch will occur after restarting.
  • For Docker installation issues, please refer to Docker Official Installation Instructions.

kind cluster

  1. Download the kind binary package.

    curl -Lo ./kind
    chmod +x ./kind
    old_kind=$(which kind)
    if [ -f "$old_kind" ]; then mv ./kind $old_kind; else mv ./kind /usr/bin/kind ;

    View the kind version:

    kind version

    The expected output is as follows:

    kind v0.17.0 go1.19.2 linux/amd64
  2. Create kind_cluster.yaml configuration file. Expose port 32088 in the cluster to port 8888 external to kind (can be modified by yourself).

    cat > kind_cluster.yaml << EOF
    kind: Cluster
    - role: control-plane
      - containerPort: 32088
        hostPort: 8888
  3. Create a K8s cluster named fire-kind-cluster through kind, taking k8s 1.25.3 as an example.

    kind create cluster --image --name=fire-kind-cluster --config=kind_cluster.yaml

    This step will take about 3~5 minutes, depending on the network speed of the image download. The expected output is as follows:

    Creating cluster "fire-kind-cluster" ...
     ✓ Ensuring node image ( 🖼
     ✓ Preparing nodes 📦
     ✓ Writing configuration 📜
     ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
     ✓ Installing CNI 🔌
     ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
    Set kubectl context to "kind-fire-kind-cluster"
  4. View the newly created kind cluster.

    kind get clusters

    The expected output is as follows:


Install DCE Community

  1. Install dependencies, see also Dependency Installation Instructions

    curl -LO
    bash online community
  2. Download the dce5-installer binary file on the host (you can also download via browser

    export VERSION=v0.5.0
    curl -Lo ./dce5-installer$VERSION
    chmod +x ./dce5-installer
  3. run the following command to start the installation.

    myIP=$(ip -o route get | cut -d " " -f 7)
    ./dce5-installer install-app -z -k $myIP:8888

    !!! note

     The kind cluster only supports NodePort mode.
  4. After the installation is complete, the command line will prompt that the installation is successful. congratulations!

    Now you can use the default account and password (admin/changeme) to explore the new DCE 5.0 through the URL prompted on the screen (the default is https://${host IP}:8888)!

    Installation succeeded
